[The All-American Rejects - Mona Lisa]

Mittwoch, 20. April 2011

mona lisa
you can sit beside me when the world comes down, 
if it doesn't matter,
then just turn around.
you'll be the queen and i'll be your clown.
you can sit beside me when the world comes down.

 [The All-American Rejects - Mona Lisa live @ MySpace's The List]

to queen consuela,
from king wuky.
because the time with you at the dorm with you was legendary!
and even though i don't live next door anymore,
it's not over yet!
there will be more nights on your balcony,
more val duna wine,
much more ouzo,
more christina stürmer,
more gzsz and awz,
more talking about life and love,
more, more, more!

1 Kommentar:

  1. toll, alle fahren zum hurricane. gnaaa. :/
    aber ich wünsch dir ganz viel spaß! =)

    wer ist denn eigtl. noch so da?


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